Trockel, M. T., Menon, N. K., Makowski, M. S., Wen, L. Y., Roberts, R., Bohman, B. D., & Shanafelt, T. D. (2023). IMPACT: Evaluation of a Controlled Organizational Intervention Using Influential Peers to Promote Professional Fulfillment. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 98(1), 75–87.
Shanafelt, T. D., Larson, D., Bohman, B., Roberts, R., Trockel, M., Weinlander, E., Springer, J., Wang, H., Stolz, S., & Murphy, D. (2023). Organization-Wide Approaches to Foster Effective Unit-Level Efforts to Improve Clinician Well-Being. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 98(1), 163–180.
Brandt, M. L., O’Neill, P. J., Shanafelt, T. D., Balch, C. M., Turner, P. L., McCann, K., & Mohan, J. E. (2023). Invited Commentary: Surgeon Wellness Must Become Our Collective Priority. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 236(1).
Trockel, M., & Fischer, A. (2023). Supporting a Culture of Wellness: Examining the Utility of the Residency Program Community Well-Being Instrument in the Medical Training and Work Environment. Academic Medicine.
Amano, A., Brown-Johnson, C. G., Winget, M., Sinha, A., Shah, S., Sinsky, C. A., Sharp, C., Shanafelt, T.., & Skeff, K. (2023). Perspectives on the Intersection of Electronic Health Records and Health Care Team Communication, Function, and Well-being. JAMA Network Open, 6(5), e2313178.
Busis, N. A., & TD Shanafelt, R. (2023). Author response: “Please don’t call it burnout.”
Dres, M., Copin, M.-C., Cariou, A., Mathonnet, M., Gaillard, R., Shanafelt, T., Riou, B., Darmon, M., & Azoulay, E. (2023). Job Strain, Burnout, and Suicidal Ideation in Tenured University Hospital Faculty Staff in France in 2021. JAMA Network Open, 6(3), e233652.
Longo, B. A., Schmaltz, S. P., Williams, S. C., Shanafelt, T. D., Sinsky, C. A., & Baker, D. W. (2023). Clinician Well-Being Assessment and Interventions in Joint Commission Accredited Hospitals and Federally Qualified Health Centers. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety.
Melnick, E. R., Sinsky, C. A., & Shanafelt, T. (2023). Funding Research on Health Workforce Well-being to Optimize the Work Environment. JAMA.
Shanafelt, T. D., West, C. P., Sinsky, C. A., Trockel, M. T., Tutty, M. A., Wang, H., Carlasare, L. E., & Dyrbye, L. N. (2023). At-Risk Work Hours Among U.S. Physicians and Other U.S. Workers. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.
Brazeau, C. M. L. R., Trockel, M. T., Swensen, S. J., & Shanafelt, T. D. (2023). Designing and Building a Portfolio of Individual Support Resources for Physicians. Academic Medicine.
Hlubocky, F. J., McFarland, D. C., Back, A. L., Friese, C. R., Lyckholm, L., Gallagher, C. M., McGinnis, M., Spence, R., Lynch, L., Tomkins, J., Shanafelt, T., & Srivastava, P. (2023). Development, Feasibility, and Acceptability of an Oncologist Group Peer Support Program From ASCO’s Clinician Well-Being Task Force. JCO Oncology Practice, OP2300068.
Marchalik, D., & Shanafelt, T. D. (2023). Surgeon wellbeing in the 21st century. The British Journal of Surgery, znad171.
Sarwar, A., Shanafelt, T. D., Sze, D. Y., & Jaff, M. R. (2023). The Threat to the Soul of Interventional Radiology Escalated by COVID-19. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology, 34(6), 945–949.
Lam, C., Kim, Y., Costigan, H. J., Stuckey, H., Vidimos, A. T., Billingsley, E. M., Albertini, J. G., Miller, J. J., & Shanafelt, T. D. (2023). Well-Being and Professional Fulfillment in Mohs Surgeons: An Explanatory Sequential Mixed-Method Design Study. Dermatologic Surgery: Official Publication for American Society for Dermatologic Surgery [et Al.], 49(7), 645–648.
Schenkel, C., Levit, L. A., Kirkwood, M. K., Spence, R., Hlubocky, F. J., Back, A., Burke, J. M., Friese, C. R., Gallagher, C. M., Lyckholm, L. J., Page, R. D., Paice, J. A., Tetzlaff, E. D., Morgante, J. D., McGinnis, M., & Shanafelt, T. D. (2023). The state of professional wellbeing and satisfaction among US oncologists. JCO Oncology Practice, 19(11_suppl), 1–1.
Magon, H. S., Helkey, D., Shanafelt, T., & Tawfik, D. (2024). Creating Conversion Factors from EHR Event Log Data: A Comparison of Investigator-Derived and Vendor-Derived Metrics for Primary Care Physicians. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, 2023, 1115–1124.
Shanafelt, T. D., Dyrbye, L. N., West, C. P., Trockel, M., Tutty, M., Wang, H., Carlasare, L. E., & Sinsky, C. A. (2023). Career Plans of US Physicians After the First 2 Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 98(11), 1629–1640.
Sinsky, C. A., Trockel, M., Carlasare, L. E., West, C. P., Wang, H., Tutty, M., Dyrbye, L. N., & Shanafelt, T. D. (2023). Politicization of Medical Care, Burnout, and Professionally Conflicting Emotions Among Physicians During COVID-19. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 98(11), 1613–1628.
Subbiah, I. M., Schenkel, C., Kirkwood, M. K., Levit, L. A., & Shanafelt, T. D. (2023). Wellbeing and burnout among oncology fellows compared to prior fellows and current practicing oncologists: An ASCO State of Cancer Care in America (SOCCA) trend analysis. JCO Oncology Practice, 19(11_suppl), 47–47.
Wong, B. J., Nassar, A. K., Earley, M., Chen, L., Roman-Micek, T., Wald, S. H., Shanafelt, T. D., & Goldhaber-Fiebert, S. N. (2023). Perceptions of Use of Names, Recognition of Roles, and Teamwork After Labeling Surgical Caps. JAMA Network Open, 6(11), e2341182–e2341182.
Makowski, M. S., Trockel, M., Paganoni, S., Weinstein, S., Verduzco-Gutierrez, M., Kinney, C., Kennedy, D. J., Sliwa, J., Wang, H., Knowlton, T., Stautzenbach, T., & Shanafelt, T. D. (2023). Occupational Characteristics Associated with Professional Fulfillment and Burnout Among U.S. Physiatrists. PM & R: The Journal of Injury, Function, and Rehabilitation, 15(5), 541–551.